Miracle Circle is a group of sincerely interested, strongly motivated
independent individuals, scattered about the globe, who participate
in an unproven attempt, to generate Miracles at will, through
a unified effort, rather than to wait for them to occur randomly
and spontaneously. Their hope is that the Miracles will be attracted
by the projection of their combined spiritual and emotional energies,
and will then trigger beneficial events into their personal lives,
the lives of their loved ones, their friends, neighbors and business
associates and the world.
But, I guess before anyone can participate in the Miracle Circle's
Psychic Experiment, it would probably be a good idea for them
to know what a Miracle is. I hope the following explanation I
offer satisfies all questions of what a Miracle might be.
is a Miracle?
Miracle is a 'fix' ~ from God or the Cosmos
In my opinion, a Miracle is a positive ‘something’,
a solution,
that is desperately and urgently needed during a bleak time of
duress and that manifests 'out of the blue', Usually under terribly
severe conditions, in the midst of extremely trying and challenging
circumstances, and always in the face of opposition, and yet,
always despite the avalanche of negative possibilities, produces
a successful outcome.
A Miracle can reveal itself unexpectedly, either during turmoil
or calm, in a hostile or supportive environment, allowing nothing
to stop it or to detour it from its target. It arrives in one
life or the lives of many, with much the same fervor as the troops
did on "D" Day when they landed at Omaha Beach in W.W.II.
Or the same as the 20th Century Studio, actor troops did 17 years
later, in the film "The “Longest Day.” It leaves
you breathless.
It's an 11th Hour reprieve, at the very last minute, as all else
appears to be failing. Miracles contradict undesirable trends,
threats, elements, or enemies, without any "visible means
of support.” That's what makes it a Miracle.
Miracles offer help and blessings to the worthy and the unworthy
without bias. A Miracle can occur due to one single person's desire
and strict adherence to a principle of faith ~ or not. Sometimes,
even the most unloving, unsympathetic, emotionally distant and
spiritually empty ~ attract Miracle's.
A Miracle can rescue only one of us or all of us, equally, from
anything, despite what appears to be overwhelming odds and despite
all the potent or popular rigid beliefs to the contrary. These
beliefs are often almost always held by a powerful majority. However,
a Miracle can favor the rich or poor alike. It's doesn't discriminate.
Financial status and power mean nothing.
A Miracle will leave everyone involved…altered. It usually
has a Domino effect. One Miracle can affect one individual or
millions. It depends. Sometimes just knowing one happened ~ comforts.
One Miracle stimulates multiple Miracles.
Extreme life changes come about as the Miracle works its mysterious
ways without let up, and ultimately converts even the most rigid
of nonbelievers. These very same nonbelievers, after the Miracle
takes place, will often become the most dedicated supporters of
all things mysterious and unexplainable. And forever more will
defend a Miracle's incredible potential.
When a Miracle strikes there's never any doubt.
Immediately it becomes clear it's a Miracle because everyone,
everywhere, upon seeing it manifest, cries out, "It's
a Miracle!”
a Cosmic time for Miracles
wouldn't worry about all the dire predictions about the end of
the world that mankind has interpreted from Mayan insights. My
personal understanding of the Now, and all the predictions and
Astrological pronouncements, is that we are not so much heading
toward the Beginning of the End, but are rather heading toward
the End of the Beginning.
It's a good thing.
The astrological aspects I've researched cover over the next hundred
years. To me, they don't appear to be indications of the end of
the world. I think, that in a short time, we can look forward
to a period of peace and highly developed Spiritual and Intellectual
opportunities. The aspects are pointing toward a kind of Universal
Brotherly Love. A Universal Brotherly Love that reaches beyond
anything we have ever before realized.
This is a turning point in man's history. A Cosmic Shift. A Galactic
We are entering into a period of Miracles
Experiment: Attract a Miracle
On August 11, 2001, one month before the disaster of the Twin
Towers in New York City, and four months after my husband Mentor
had died I created the Miracle Circle. I wanted to establish a
potent vital spiritual link with him. I was convinced that a group
of our loved ones could help to increase the power necessary to
bridge the awful dimensional predicament between Mentor and me.
The predicament caused by the gap between life and death. .
To begin, the Miracle Circle consisted of some close relatives
and friends. I thought we should meditate or pray to gather up
Spiritual Energy. Maybe at the same time. I felt that united our
energies could generate Miracles. Lifetime research in the field
of Metaphysics led me to believe that supernatural happenings
are actually -- Miracles.
Contacting the dead is certainly one of these miraculous supernatural
happenings. I convinced our friends and relatives to join me so
we might try to trigger this form of Miracle. Or at least, as
a spin off, any Miracle.
In a short time we got turned on to attracting a lot of Miracles.
Miracles for each of us. With the same accumulated efforts, we
thought we could contribute enough Spiritual Energy so that all
of us would benefit. A kind of Quantum Miracle thing.
Throughout history we came to see that Miracles did occur, but
spontaneously. They simply -- happened! I always knew Miracles
were possible. They have been proven to occur, and many many books
have been written detailing 'evidence'.
It was now just a matter of making a deliberate effort to trigger
Miracles and cause them to happen instead of merely waiting for
one to manifest through chance alone. The group agreed. They liked
the idea of generating Miracles at will. being in the 'drivers
seat' appealed to many.
We were just a small group of intimates, scattered, from coast
to coast, throughout the United States, and found it convenient
to communicate through email. Although some lived in close proximity
to each other, nevertheless email was used for all the Miracle
Circle communications and contacts because of its speed and lack
of distractions. We could choose the time we opened our emails.
The spiritual side of our natures has appeared to be enhanced
with the lack of physical interference. As a group, to this date,
the Miracle Circle has never met face to face. We like it that
Miracle Circle had been founded, exactly one month later to the
day, 9-11 struck. I guess our of some fear, and intense concern
for the future, almost overnight, friends of relatives and friends
of friends requested membership. Soon our group reached around
the world. Still, even now, with our growing numbers, there isn't
one member in the Circle who is completely unknown to some other
one member of the Circle. We are connected all by one.
Better in fact than the actor Bacon and his six degrees of separation
The membership of Miracle Circle is global. Though we reach World-Wide,
still we are rather small by some standards. Nevertheless we can
be found almost everywhere. .
However I've decided to open the Miracle Circle membership to
If anyone is interested in participating, with Miracle Circle's
Psychic Experiment, they are now invited to request permission.
Send a special email of intention. Simply ask to be allowed to
Not everyone will be accepted. If the letter is judged to be sincere,
there is a potential for membership. It's free. There are no dues.
We don't sell anything. The Miracle Circle is not open to everyone.
However, no particular race, religion, nationality, social level,
financial status, cultural or educational level is demanded for
membership. Those facts are never considered important for acceptance
or rejection.
Only those with like minded spiritually inclinations will be believed
to be desirable. That fact must be addressed in the email. Please
include a brief background of related interests in the request.
Explain why you want to join.
This is a Cosmic Experiment meant to attract Miracles at will.
It's an idea motivated by soul and spirit and human desire.
Once-in-while I usually send out an updated email to our members.
Really, only once-in-a-while. Upon joining you will be informed
as to how to do what is needed and when. .
Miracle Circle wishes to unite multiple individuals to form One
Entity of Spiritual Intention.
Men of Science, Metaphysicians and Spiritual Leaders have all
adhered to the theory of “Oneness ” Dr. Karl Gustave
Jung presented the idea of all of us being connected beneath the
Conscious mind.
In comparatively recent modern times, the Beatles expressed this
thought of 'Oneness', to countless millions with their song, "The
Walrus.” in the line, “I am he, as you are he, as
you are me, and we are all together…”
A couple of thousand years earlier, a famous Psychic, Metaphysician
and Miracle Worker, our contemporary (if looked upon, through
a Cosmic measurement of time) ~ said it first and maybe best:
" ~ we, being many, are one body.... " Jesus - (Romans
Belief in Miracles grows and is broadcast on television and radio
and of course the Internet. We seem to all except the possibility
of a Miracle, though we are a little neurotic and aren't really
sure one could happen. But they do happen. Many people have been
saved in a disaster through an unpredictable happening that cause
reporters and survivors to say had been a "Miracle".
Hurricane Katrina victims, some sick and elderly ~ survived, though
trapped and without food or water for many days. Many days past
that even would have caused a much younger healthier person to
perish. One 92 year old survived 40 days.
They said, "I knew. I prayed. I asked to be saved. "
My mother had a huge Miracle take place in her life. She died
twice. Four years apart. With no ill affects. The California Hospital
where she died, that first time, called her their "Miracle
Lady" Now her Great Grandchildren wear her Miracle like a
Cosmic Badge.
Some people are hesitant to say openly that they believe in Miracles
due to fear of ridicule. But there are many people from every
walk of life, who because of the Miracles in their own personal
lives and the lives of those around them, have decided to share
their views.
"I walk ahead of myself in perpetual expectancy of Miracles."
Anais Nin "Romanciere Americaine" - Writer
"I believe in Miracles"
Evangelical Minister -- Kathryn Khulman
"I'm realistic - I expect miracles."
Wayne Dyer -- Motivational Lecturer
"Miracles are available”
Evangelical Minister Pat Robertson -- 700 Club TBS
“Join us in Believing -- Reach a Spiritual Critical Mass
and Heal”
Trinity Broadcasting Station Pastor Ron Parsley
"Being an Evangelist,
I am often reproached for placing too much emphasis
on signs and miracles."
Andreas Huebner
World-Wide Faith Healing Evangelist Missionary
an instant I was miraculously healed.”
Frank Turner ABC TV News Anchorman
" I believe in Miracles"
Louise Huebner the Official Witch of Los Angeles
All Quotes are property and copyright of their respective owners.
All Quotes are provided for educational purposes only
Miracle Circle.
It's a Psychic Experiment. There is no guarantee.
join: Send your full name, email address and country,
also please include your birth data for research. However, though
the Birth Data would be appreciated, Offering it isn't necessary
for acceptance.
Email Address: MiracleCircle@MentorHuebnerArt.com
Enter in the Subject Box: MIRACLE CIRCLE
Louise Huebner
Name: -------------------------------------------
Birth Date: -------------------------------------------
Email Address: --------------------------------------------
Country: ---------------------------------------------
I am requesting acceptance into the Miracle Circle. I wish to
participate in the Miracle Circle Psychic Experiment. I want to
help generate Miracles at will to benefit myself and others. I
realize there is no guarantee connected with this experiment.
I know my participation would benefit Miracle Circle, because
(please complete sentence)
I also request any correspondence or update about Miracle Circle
Signed: ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Please add a few insights as to why you should be accepted into
the Miracle Circle. Include whether or not you believe in Miracles,
and if you have ever experienced one.
A HAPPY HINT: Unless you are a stark raving mad
lunatic who wants to use Miracle Circle to enhance your own spiritual
powers and to grab the Membership's Psychic Energy for some dark
use, chances are you will be considered acceptable.
Huebner. (c) 2003
Design by Wolfden